Our Philosophy
Architecture is a diverse, breathing life force where the creative mind must expand within the confines of a budgeted society. Every new endeavor requires a fresh inhalation, a dream concept that must be coupled with the practicalities of programming and construction documents.
At Wescott Structures, every structural design receives a smart, innovative solution that is paired with practical, well thought-out details. Our process begins with the uniqueness of the project, expands to the most practical solution, and then provides an efficient, effective framework on which our clients can confidently hang their style.
Our ultimate goal is to help our clients achieve successful projects. We do that by producing high quality engineered documents that meet both architectural needs and Building Code standards. We approach every structure with a critical eye and the questions, “How can we make it more structurally efficient and cost effective?”, and “Where can we simplify the details?”
“I started this company because I value excellence, professionalism, and craftsmanship and because I have strong gifts in those areas to share with the construction community. I love structural engineering, and am blessed every day to help my clients create powerful dreams.”